And finally.... the campers are coming!!! Week One of the summer camping season! This is why we are here... to see campers come to know Jesus and get to enjoy and live forever with Him! Daddy's been sooo busy (but when he should be running low on energy, it seems he just gets more and more pumped!) The rest of us won't have as much direct contact with campers but we will be praying and supporting Daddy with whatever he needs. Will you pray with us? Mrs. Wagner recently reminded us that the fruit of our labor may not be known till eternity... but we do know that the faithful prayers of a righteous man (or woman) avail much. (James 5:16) Also, we know our labor is not in vain (I Cor 15:58). Will you labor with us this summer in prayer... we can be like that persistent widow woman, now she's got it figured out... I should know- if I ask Mommy at least 20 times for another cookie she usually caves (and she's no softy either). (;&version=31; ) As a family, we'll be specifically praying for one cabin of campers and their leaders each week throughout the summer. We'll keep you posted on these cabins and all the happenings around here. Things are getting exciting! Can't wait to share more!
Friday, June 12, 2009
prom, pizza & the persistent widow
So we went to our first prom... the first annual WFR Prom. I didn't win prom queen... but I was the 'Bell' of the ball. Here's us getting ready to go... I wish we had some pics of the actual event but the camera accidently went home with Daddy and Lincoln when he started crying five minutes after we got there. Babies and loud music apparently don't mix, who knew? Though, we're still not certain we should call Lincoln a baby... toddler may be the more appropriate term... just look at him next to Henry!